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Convert inline SVG to Base64 string

I want to send an inline SVG image to a PHP script to Convert it to PNG with Imagick. For that I have to know how to get a base64 String out on an inline SVG. For canvas objects its a simple ".toDataURL()" but that doesn't work with inline SVGs, because its not a global function of elements.

test = function(){
    var b64 = document.getElementById("svg").toDataURL();

But how to do it for inline SVGs?


  • Use XMLSerializer to convert the DOM to a string

    var s = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.getElementById("svg"))

    and then btoa can convert that to base64

    var encodedData = window.btoa(s);

    Just prepend the data URL intro i.e. data:image/svg+xml;base64, and there you have it.