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How to convert varbinary(max) to base64 SQL Server 2014

I have an Image saved as varbinary(max) in SQL Server 2014:


I want to convert it to Base64 To use it in Flutter. I tried

SELECT CAST('' as varbinary(max)) FOR XML PATH(''), BINARY BASE64

and get :


But according to this site I should get:


So how to convert varbinary(max) to base64?


  • Why are you attempting to CAST() the varbinary data? You just need to select it as an element or an attribute for the varbinary value to get base64 encoded...

     * Data setup...
    if object_id('tempdb..#demo') is not null
      drop table #demo;
    create table #demo (
      fancyImage varbinary(max)
    insert #demo (fancyImage) values (0xFFD8FFE115064578696600004D4D002A000000080007);
     * Select as an element containing base64 data
    select fancyImage as [base64DemoElement]
    from #demo
    for xml path(''), binary base64;
     * Select as an attribute containing base64 data
    select fancyImage as [@base64Attribute]
    from #demo
    for xml path('demoElement'), binary base64;

    The first select outputs the base data in an element:


    The second select outputs the base64 data in an attribute:

    <demoElement base64Attribute="/9j/4RUGRXhpZgAATU0AKgAAAAgABw==" />

    Following comments discussion with @DaleK, a third alternative to return the bare base64 characters without any XML tags:

    select (
      select top 1 cast(fancyImage as varbinary(max)) as [base64DemoElement]
      from #demo
      for xml path(''), type, binary base64
      ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') as [Base64 characters];

    Which outputs:

    Base64 characters