Search code examples

Search all records in subform from main form

I have a button that can search locations in all records in a table in the subform.

But it seems to show all records that have the [Location] in them instead of only records with the specific location entered in the textbox.

But once I've done my search, I can't seem revert the form to the original clear state, so that I can go back to searching other things.

Private Sub StartSearch2_Click()
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "select * from [FormTable] where [Location]='" & Me.LocSearch & "'"
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
    If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
        Set Me.Recordset = rs
        MsgBox "No record found", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Sorry"
        Me.RecordSource = strOriginalSQL
    End If
    Me.LocSearch = Null
End Sub


  • Another approach is to not change the Record Source of your form and instead set the Filter property.

    • Set the Record Source to FormTable. You can do this in the form designer.
    • Then set the Filter with
      Me.Filter = "Location='" & Me.LocSearch & "'"
      Me.FilterOn = True
    • You can clear the filter with
      Me.Filter = ""
      Me.FilterOn = False

    If you want to filter a subform, you can do this from the main form with

    With Me!mysubform.Form
        .Filter = "Location='" & Me.LocSearch & "'"
        .FilterOn = True
    End With

    It is a good idea to escape any single quotes in the search string

    Me.Filter = "Location='" & Replace(Me.LocSearch, "'", "''") & "'"