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How to navigate to previous records depending on textbox

I have a button on my form whenever I click on it, it creates several records including a column named: [Aantal], if aantal says 5, it will create 5 records. This column is also as a textbox named [Aantal] on the form.

After the records are created it goes to the last record as shown here:

    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "GeleidelijstForm", acLast

Is it possible to make it navigate to the first record of those 5 created?

So not the very first record in the table, but the first of those just created. For example if [Aantal] is 5, make it go back 4 records, that way it will be on the first of the 5 records it just created.


I have something like this that goes to the latest record, now I want it to go to the first record instead:

pgn = Me.CurrentRecord
t1 = Nz(Me.Aantal, 1)
If t1 > 1 Then
t2 = pgn + t1 - 1


  • You can also use acPrevious and acNext instead of acLast. See: AcRecord enumeration (Access). But you must make the calculation of how many times you must move to get to the desired record yourself. Access does not know which records you've just created.

    Dim t1 As Long, i As Long
    t1 = Clng(Nz(Me.Aantal, 1))
    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "GeleidelijstForm", acLast
    For i = 1 To t1 - 1
        DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "GeleidelijstForm", acPrevious
    Next i

    Or you can directly jump to it with

    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim t1 As Long, numRecords As Long
    t1 = Clng(Nz(Me.Aantal, 1))
    Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
    numRecords = rs.RecordCount
    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "GeleidelijstForm", acGoTo, numRecords - t1 + 1

    You can also jump to a specific record like this in case you are able to identify the record by some value

    Dim rs As Object
    Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
    rs.FindFirst "[MyID] = " & theId
    If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark