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javafx.controls cannot be resolved to a module in

Actual state

I am learning JavaFx and trying to make a reusable component. The project is being developed in VSCode. The project is very simple and deals with a launcher and the reusable component. I was refactoring and when adding the modules everything has stopped working and I can't continue with the refactoring.


The error displayed inside the module-info is: javafx.controls cannot be resolved to a module. though oddly enough, if I tell Maven to update the project, on some rare occasion the error changes to tell me that the module is empty or doesn't exist.

Source code

The source code ( experimental branch) : This is the structure of the project:

│   └───main
│       ├───java
│       │   └───com
│       │       └───adeso
│       │           ├───custom
│       │           └───launcher
│       └───resources
│           └───com
│               └───adeso

Module-info of the launcher:

module com.adeso.launcher {

    requires transitive javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;

    opens com.adeso.launcher to javafx.fxml;

    exports com.adeso.launcher;

Module-info of the component:

module com.adeso.custom {

    requires transitive javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;

    opens com.adeso.custom to javafx.fxml;

    // exports com.adeso.custom;


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <!--  ============================================
              =                 PLUGINS                  =  
              ============================================  -->

                        <!-- Default configuration for running -->
                        <!-- Usage: mvn clean javafx:run -->
            <!--  +++++++++++++++++++++++++
                  +          JUNIT        +
                  +++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->


  • After checking all the info of jewelsea, i changed the structure of my project and now it seems to work. I changed to a Maven modules project and created 1 inside each maven module.

    │   └───src
    │       └───main
    │           ├───java
    │           │   └───com
    │           │       └───adeso
    │           │           └───custom
    │           └───resources
    │               └───com
    │                   └───adeso
    │                       └───custom
            │   ├───java
            │   │   └───com
            │   │       └───adeso
            │   │           └───custom
            │   └───resources
            │       └───com
            │           └───adeso
            │               └───custom