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What does the dyad `=` do to boxed strings?

If x were a boxed string, I expect x=<'ABC' to compare the >x to 'ABC' to see if they are equal, but the following example shows that this is not the case. The J vocabulary document doesn't say anything about what "equal" means to boxes. So my questions are:

  1. What does = do to boxes of strings?
  2. In the example, instead of x=<'A' what is the correct way to get the "common sense result" 0 1 0 0?
   load 'convert/pjson'
   x=.dec_pjson_ enc_pjson_ ('TXT';'A';'CNAME';'MX') 
   x                              NB. Let's see what's in here...
   x = <'TXT'                     NB. OK...
1 0 0 0
   x = <'MX'                      NB. Also good...
0 0 0 1
   x = <'A'                       NB. Why??
0 0 0 0
   y=.('TXT';'A';'CNAME';'MX')    NB. Let's make the same thing manually
   y = <'A'                       NB. So if I make the list of string manually it works
0 1 0 0
   y = x                          NB. But the 'A' in x is different from the 'A' in y
1 0 1 1
   (>1{y) = (>1{x)                NB. But everything returns to normal after unboxing x?
   (<>1{x) = (<>1{y)              NB. It will fail if you box it back up again


  • dec_pjson_ always returns a list:

       $ L:0 x    NB. Opened leaves are lists
       $> 1 { x

    'A' is not a list:

                  NB. empty
       $> <'A'
                  NB. empty

    ,'A' is a list:

       (<,'A') = 1 { x
       (<,'A') = x
    0 1 0 0

    Specifically, the result of dec enc y gives you the "words" (;:) of y:

       ;:'TXT A CNAME MX'
       (;:'TXT A CNAME MX') = x
    1 1 1 1