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Prisma update query only allowing an update by the ID field and not anything else

  const response = await prisma.teamMember.update({
    where: {
      userId: memberToEditId,
    data: {
Argument where of type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput needs exactly one argument, but you provided teamId and userId. Please choose one. Available args:
type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput {
  id?: String
Unknown arg `teamId` in where.teamId for type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `id`? Available args:
type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput {
  id?: String
Unknown arg `userId` in where.userId for type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `id`? Available args:
type TeamMemberWhereUniqueInput {
  id?: String

Hey guys. I'm trying to update a specific document based off of a specific value(s) in my table, but it only seems to let me use the primary key for the table? My schema looks like:

model TeamMember {
  id        String   @id @default(cuid())
  teamId    String
  userId    String
  role      Role     @default(MEMBER)
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

  team Team @relation(fields: [teamId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

model Team {
  id         String       @id @default(cuid())
  name       String
  createdAt  DateTime     @default(now())
  updatedAt  DateTime     @updatedAt
  TeamMember TeamMember[]

model User {
  id            String       @id @default(cuid())
  name          String?
  email         String?      @unique
  emailVerified DateTime?
  image         String?
  accounts      Account[]
  sessions      Session[]
  TeamMember    TeamMember[]
  theme         Theme        @default(LIGHT)

To fix this, temporarliy I can make a separate findFirst query, and use the returned row to get the ID of the row which i want to update. This is fine, however I know it can be done without doing this, and it is a little ugly having two queries when one can work just fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Prisma needs to uniquely identify a single record which needs to be updated, due to which the whereUnique constraint is enforced.

    For now, you can use updateMany as a workaround for this, this unique constraint is not enforced for updateMany