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Prisma query engine not found on mac M1

I'm having an issue with running Prisma in my project. Running npx prisma generate works, but then running my app I get:

4:29:05 PM web.1 |        throw new PrismaClientInitializationError(errorText, this.config.clientVersion);
4:29:05 PM web.1 |              ^
4:29:05 PM web.1 |  PrismaClientInitializationError: Query engine library for current platform "darwin" could not be found.
4:29:05 PM web.1 |  You incorrectly pinned it to darwin
4:29:05 PM web.1 |  This probably happens, because you built Prisma Client on a different platform.
4:29:05 PM web.1 |  (Prisma Client looked in "/Users/user/Desktop/project/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/libquery_engine-darwin.dylib.node")

I've noticed that the libquery_engine-darwin.dylib.node file actually exists as libquery_engine-darwin-arm64.dylib.node. My schema.prisma file includes:

generator client {
  provider       = "prisma-client-js"
  bindaryTargets = ["native", "darwin"]

I can't seem to figure out how to generate the right query engine binary with darwin and not darwin-arm64, or have the clientVersion look for the latter.

Here's npx prisma -v:

prisma                  : 3.7.0
@prisma/client          : 3.7.0
Current platform        : darwin-arm64
Query Engine (Node-API) : libquery-engine 8746e055198f517658c08a0c426c7eec87f5a85f (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/libquery_engine-darwin-arm64.dylib.node)
Migration Engine        : migration-engine-cli 8746e055198f517658c08a0c426c7eec87f5a85f (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/migration-engine-darwin-arm64)
Introspection Engine    : introspection-core 8746e055198f517658c08a0c426c7eec87f5a85f (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/introspection-engine-darwin-arm64)
Format Binary           : prisma-fmt 8746e055198f517658c08a0c426c7eec87f5a85f (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/prisma-fmt-darwin-arm64)
Default Engines Hash    : 8746e055198f517658c08a0c426c7eec87f5a85f
Studio                  : 0.445.0

I'm running on a new M1 iMac. Any help would be so so appreciated, thanks!


  • I had bindaryTargets. Should be binaryTargets. LMAO