Currently working on a project to learn a bit more about prisma with nestjs. But cant get the schema to work. The seed wont go through because the flat depends on the owner field, that can only be filled with the created user.
I wanted to create a simple database setup where a user can be an owner of a flat, but must have a flat.
A flat needs to have an owner, and can have multiple tenants.
Would be very thankful for a helpful hand here, otherwise its just another project that will never get over concepts.
model User {
userId String @id @default(uuid())
firstName String?
lastName String?
nickname String
email String @unique
password String
phoneNumber String?
ownerOf Flat? @relation("owner")
ownerOfId String? @unique
flatId String
flat Flat @relation(fields: [flatId], references: [flatId])
paidFor Expense[] @relation("paidBy")
otherExpenses Expense[]
updatedAt DateTime? @updatedAt
createdAt DateTime? @default(now())
model Flat {
flatId String @id @default(uuid())
name String
owner User? @relation("owner", fields: [ownerId], references: [userId])
ownerId String? @unique
flatmates User[]
expenses Expense[]
updatedAt DateTime? @updatedAt
createdAt DateTime? @default(now())
model Expense {
expenseId String @id @default(uuid())
flatId String
flat Flat @relation(fields: [flatId], references: [flatId])
paidBy User @relation("paidBy", fields: [paidById], references: [userId])
paidById String
expenseFor User[]
amount Float
updatedAt DateTime? @updatedAt
createdAt DateTime? @default(now())
const users = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
firstName: 'Flo',
lastName: 'Test',
nickname: 'flo',
email: '[email protected]',
password: hash,
flat: {
create: {
name: 'Test Flat',
owner: {
connect: {
I would start thinking in terms of relations.
Additional requirements are:
of flat remains optionalYou can model these relations like this in your schema.prisma
model User {
userId String @id @default(uuid())
nickname String
flatId String
flat Flat @relation(fields: [flatId], references: [flatId], name: "tenantRelation")
ownedFlat Flat? @relation(name: "ownerRelation")
model Flat {
flatId String @id @default(uuid())
name String
ownerId String? @unique
owner User? @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [userId], name: "ownerRelation")
tenants User[] @relation(name: "tenantRelation")
There is no need to introduce a redundant User.ownerOfId
That schema does not guarantee that each flat has an owner as ownerId
is optional.
If you accept this flaw, you can create user and flat like this:
await prisma.user.create({
data: { nickname: "flo", flat: { create: { name: "Test flat" } } },
and in a second step set the owner of the flat to the user...
of flat should be mandatoryIf you do not accept this flaw, and make ownerId
non-optional, seeding becomes indeed more difficult as you are having a circular dependency.
In the schema, you just remove the two question marks:
model Flat {
ownerId String @unique
owner User @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [userId], name: "ownerRelation")
You would then have to:
on your database. Currently, prisma cannot do that (see: { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
// ...
const userId = uuidv4();
const flatId = uuidv4();
await prisma.$transaction(async ($tx) => {
await $tx.$executeRaw`set constraints all deferred;`;
await $tx.$executeRaw`INSERT INTO users ("userId", "nickname", "flatId") VALUES (${userId}, 'flo', ${flatId});`;
await $tx.$executeRaw`INSERT INTO flats ("flatId", "name", "ownerId") VALUES (${flatId}, 'Test flat', ${userId});`;
which currently requires previewFeatures = ["interactiveTransactions"]
in your schema.prisma
But before going down that route, I'd suggest to double check how your app would really use the database. Would user and flat always be created in the same step?