I've been trying to get the Boundary System working in Unity but without much luck. There seems to be little in documentation apart from here and the MRTK sample which doesnt seem to do anything.
My end goal is to show a "safe area" in which the user can operate.
To Replicate:
Things I've Tried:
Versions: Unity 2020.3.29f1 MRTK 2.8.2
Has anyone got this working, or is there a more helpful guide?
As Boundary system overview — MRTK2 said, the Boundary system is designed for VR headset.
The Boundary system provides support for visualizing Virtual Reality boundary components in mixed reality applications. Boundaries define the area in which users can safely move around while wearing a VR headset. Boundaries are an important component of a mixed reality experience to help users avoid unseen obstacles while wearing a VR headset.
HoloLens does not support the concept of boundaries. To achieve what you want, you may take advantage of Spatial awareness.