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Install ingres extension for php on my WAMP server

I've a development computer, which runs under windows.

For a project, I've to make a php website which has to connect to an Ingres database server.

So I installed wamp, I installed ingres(server and client, on my local machine).

I added the library that I found on their site(php_ingres.dll) in the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.5\ext folder, and I added a line "extension=php_ingres.dll" in the configuration file.

I shutdown wamp and restarted it, and I restarted the server, I see now a check mark in the wamp menu, indicating that php_ingres is now activated. But when I go to the welcome page of the server, I don't see this extension as loaded. If I go on the php info page, I don't see any Ingres entry in the Configure Command.

I just can't found any post/tutorial/... which indicating how to do this operation, so any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Edit: I made a small test to see if I can connect to an Ingres database:

$link = ingres_connect("localhost", "demodbtest", "demodbtest")  or die("Connexion impossible");
echo "Connexion réussie";

$result = ingres_query($link,"select * from airline");

while ($row = ingres_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo $row["al_iatacode"];  // utilisation du tableau associatif
    echo $row["al_name"];
    echo $row["al_ccode"];          // utilisation du tableau à indices numériques
    echo "</br>";

And I get this error:

( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined function ingres_connect() in C:\wamp\www\tests\index.php on line 2

Some information on my installation: I've a windows 7 pro 32bits Wampserver 2.1 ( ) Apache 2.2.17
PHP 5.3.5
Ingres 10.1.0 Community edition( downloaded here: ) PHP drivers downloaded here:


  • The problem is that I wasn't having the ingres client installed locally, so it appears that this lib cannot works without it