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Verification system in discord.js

Basically when I do console.log( it just says its undefined and from there im lost please help me

const roleId = config.verify.roleId // 997167483473629324
const channelId = config.verify.channelId // 997167450024067194
const user =
if ( === channelId) {
    if (!user.roles.cache.has(roleId)) { // "roles" is undefined??
        message.reply({ embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed().setColor('RED').setTitle('Verification').setDescription('Please wait.')] })
        setTimeout(() => {
            user.roles.add(roleId) // would probably be the same error here
        }, 1500)


  • When using, you get a User object which represents the global user. Instead, to access the roles property, you need to use a GuildMember object which represents a user in a guild. So, all you have to do to check all the roles a member has is by using one of these two methods:

    • Fetching the member: If you want to fetch the member, you can get the user id by using and then, fetch it from the guild. An example:
    const userId =
    const member = message.guild.members.cache.get(userId) // or await message.guild.members.fetch(userId)
    • message.member: A much easier way is by using this method. By using this, you automatically get the GuildMember details of the user who posted this message. An example:
    const member = message.member