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c#discord cannot receive voice data

I'm trying to listen for voice data from a user within same voice channel the bot is in. I have an infinite loop, where I try to read voice data from AudioInputStream. The problem is that every time I use TryReadFrame method, it returns false. And I have no idea why.

Here is my code:

    private async Task ReadAsync() // This method is called only once, when bot found a voice stream
        while (AudioStream.CanRead)
            if (!AudioStream.TryReadFrame(default, out var frame))
                //Log.Debug("No data found for user {User}.", User.Username);
                await _writer!.StandardInput.BaseStream.WriteAsync(_silenceBuffer);
                await _writer!.StandardInput.BaseStream.FlushAsync();

            Log.Debug("Frame read from user {User}", User.Username);
            // You probably don't need this part.
        Log.Debug("Reading voice data of {User} finished.", User.Username);

I`ve read somewhere that Discord won't send any voice data unless bot sends at last one audio packet. So here is how I connect to a voice channel and do that:

        _audioClient = await channel.ConnectAsync();

        await using var outputStream = _audioClient.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Mixed);

            await outputStream.WriteAsync(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 10);
            await outputStream.FlushAsync();
        catch (Exception e)
            Log.Error(e, "Failed to send handshake voice data.");

I hope that someone can help me with this problem.


  • The issue was with the Discord.Net library itself and was resolved in this pull request. The voice UDP socket used to be misconfigured so could not receive any packets.