Search code examples Top Artists Api

  async def np(self,ctx):
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            params= {"api_key" : "censored",
            "user" : "x",
            "period" : "overall",
             "limit" : 10,
            async with session.get(url="", params=params) as response:
                resp = await

I am making it so that it retrieves the top (1st) artist of a user, the reply is something really long which you can find here. How do I retrieve/fetch only the "rank" : 1 artist from all that mess?


  • You're requesting a JSON response


    So this is what you get. To load it into a dictionary, use the json library

    import json
    jsonData = json.loads(resp)

    Now, you can get the dictionary for the first artist via

    topArtist = jsonData["topartists"]["artist"][0]

    And from there, you can retrieve all the info, like the url

    topArtistUrl = topArtist["url"]

    import json
      async def np(self,ctx):
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                params= {"api_key" : "censored",
                "user" : "x",
                "period" : "overall",
                 "limit" : 10,
                async with session.get(url="", params=params) as response:
                    resp = await
                    jsonData = json.loads(resp)
                    topArtist = jsonData["topartists"]["artist"][0]
                    topArtistUrl = topArtist["url"]