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Syntax Error without details in Pervasive SQL

I am getting an error talking to a Pervasive SQL database, but without much details about what could be wrong. Do you have any advice about how I could debug where the problem is

Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.k: [LNA][PSQL][SQL Engine]Syntax Error.
   at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w.a(String , ad , l )
   at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.PsqlCommand.a(Boolean , CommandBehavior , Boolean )
   at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.PsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

Here is the code

using (PsqlCommand command = new PsqlCommand(sql, psqlConnection))
  command.CommandText = sql;
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@KidDate", companyKIDDate);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@KidTime", companyKIDTime);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@KidMult", companyKIDMult);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@KidComm", companyKIDComm);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateGmt", companyKIDDate);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TimeGmt", companyKIDTime);
  command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Seconds", companyKIDTime);  
  result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

The query sql in the code is (keeping the weird formatting for exactitude).

                        ("KID - date", "KID - time", "KID - user", "KID - mult", "KID - comm",
                        "Date GMT", "Time GMT",
                        "Pax Update",
                        "User ID",
                        VALUES(?, ?, 'RF01', ?, ?,
                        ?, ?,

And here is the PsqlTrace of the error

00000001 09:21:53.704 T1 I43089283 Command::ExecuteNonQuery ENTER

    CommandText:      INSERT INTO "FMUPDATE"
                        ("KID - date", "KID - time", "KID - user", "KID - mult", "KID - comm",
                        "Date GMT", "Time GMT",
                        "Pax Update",
                        "User ID",
                        VALUES(?, ?, 'RF01', ?, ?,
                        ?, ?,
    CommandType:      Text
    CommandTimeout:   30
    UpdatedRowSource: Both
    Par #1: @KidDate, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 44755
    Par #2: @KidTime, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 982
    Par #3: @KidMult, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 128
    Par #4: @KidComm, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 1
    Par #5: @DateGmt, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 44755
    Par #6: @TimeGmt, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 982
    Par #7: @Seconds, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 982

    Error or Warning Received from Pervasive Server
    Number    = 0
    Message   = Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.k: [LNA][PSQL][SQL Engine]Syntax Error.
    Error Position = 37000

00000001 09:21:53.751 T1 I43089283 Command::ExecuteNonQuery EXIT
    Return: 0


  • The MKDE.TRA file is a Btrieve / Transactional engine level trace. The error you are seeing is a Relational engine error. Some Relational engine errors are the same as Transactional / Btrieve errors but most are not. You can turn on tracing within the Pervasive.Data.SqlClient interface using code like below:

    PsqlTrace.TraceFile = "C:\\source\\debug\\MyTrace.txt";
    PsqlTrace.RecreateTrace = 1;
    PsqlTrace.EnableTrace = 1;

    This will generate a file that has a format like:

    Assembly Name:         Pervasive.Data.SqlClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c84cd5c63851e072
    Assembly File Version:
    00000001 19:48:31.703 T1 I30015890 Command::ExecuteNonQuery ENTER
        CommandText:      INSERT INTO Table1 ("KID -NAME", name, number) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
        CommandType:      Text
        CommandTimeout:   30
        UpdatedRowSource: Both
        Par #1: @KIDname, Input, String, 0, System.String, "name"
        Par #2: name, Input, String, 0, System.String, "name"
        Par #3: number, Input, String, 0, System.Int32, 88
        Error or Warning Received from Pervasive Server
        Number    = 0
        Message   = Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w: [LNA][Pervasive][ODBC Engine Interface]Invalid column name: 'KID -NAME'.
        Error Position = 0
    00000001 19:48:31.759 T1 I30015890 Command::ExecuteNonQuery EXIT
        Return: 0

    Since this doesn't always happen, I would enable / disable the trace only around the calls that fail. Once you get the error, take a look at the trace and see if there's any more information. Posting here might get more eyes on it. If I had to guess, I would say that some value you are passing is invalid (00-00-0000 for a date, string for an integer, etc.).