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Pervasive SQL - Add a Rank Column to a Sorted Recordset

In Pervasive 13, I'm looking for a way to add a rank column to a sorted record set.

For example, let's pretend that I have a customer table that has a field called profit (which is maintained to indicate the total profit from each customer). Instead of just sorting by profit, I also want to include each customer's rank based on profit, where the highest profit customer is ranked 1, the second highest is ranked 2, and so on.

     row_number() as "Rank"
    ,customer as "Customer"
from customers
order by profit desc

row_number(), above, is conceptual; it doesn't actually work in Pervasive 13, but I'm hoping there is something else that can achieve the same concept to produce a record set that looks like this:

Rank |Customer         |
  3  |CRON INC.        |
  4  |FLEX PRODUCTS    |
  5  |CATCO CO.        |

Using only a SQL query, how can I produce a record set that contains a rank column like above in Pervasive 13?


  • Something like this seems to work for me using a much smaller / manufactured dataset.

    create table customers (id identity, customer char(20), profit integer);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust1',5);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust2',4);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust3',1);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust4',3);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust5',2);
    insert into customers values (0,'cust6',2);
    (select 1 + count(*)
            from customers c2
            where c2.profit < c.profit
           ) as "rank"
        , c.*
    from customers c
    order by "rank" 


           rank            id   customer                    profit
    ===========   ===========   ====================   ===========
              1             3   cust3                            1
              2             5   cust5                            2
              3             4   cust4                            3
              4             2   cust2                            4
              5             1   cust1                            5