Search code examples

Combining INDEX(MATCH()) with ARRAYFORMULA() fails

I need a formula for the VariantAttribute column, which fills in the ProductAttribute value based on the first 4 characters of the VariantID

Desired result:

ProductID ProductAttribute VariantID VariantAttribute
ABCD blue ABCD-xx blue
BCDE black ABCD-yy blue
CDEF orange BCDE-vv black
DEFG blue BCDE-ww black
CDEF-uu orange
DEFG-zz blue
ABCD-uu blue

I tried to combine ARRAYFORMULA() with INDEX(MATCH())but failed, obviously because I'm not able to specify a search range within ARRAYFORMULA()

enter image description here

How can I get the desired result?


  • Assuming the dash ("-") is consistent.