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Convert Vertices and Indexes to Model

Is there any way to turn a set of vertices with indexes into a Model, as in one that is actually stored inside of a Model object?

I ask because I have implemented a BSP loader for a project that I'm working on. I can take the vertices and indexes to render the BSP perfectly, so that's not an issue. However, the engine that I am working with only supports collision detection with actual Models. I figured there may be some way to do this so that I can store each face as a separate model and still be able to keep the culling and occlusion functionality of the BSP, and to be honest I have no idea how to write a Content Pipeline Processor to automatically do this.

So, is there anyway to load that data into a Model without using some form of LoadContent, or would I be better off trying to learn how to write a BSP Pipeline processor?


  • you can make a proccesor that build the model.

    in this sample you can learn how generate a model from a heightmap.

    Generated Geometry Sample

    it should not be too hard to adapt to your requirements.