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How to design a decoder circuits with start position and fixed length?

I have a task but don't know how to implement it? I want to generate a fixed length output containing consecutive 1 output using combinatorial logic. This is an Example:

// input          input         output
// start_id(0~63) id_num(0~63)  id_mask
// 0              0             {64{0}}
// 0              2             {62{0},2{1}}
// 2              16            {46{0},16{1},2{0}}
// ...            ...           ...
// 60             16            60+16>64, ignore this situation


  • I'll give you an idea and a pseudocode.

    • Each of your ouputs have to be connected to a mux with two options: 0 or 1.
    • The select logic for the input must be driven by the input.

    Regarding the logic:

    • Calculate start and end conditions.
    • AND both conditions to have a 1 at the output. This is what feeds the selector mux.

    Pseudo code:

    // 6 bits to represent 64 numbers
        in  [5:0]  start_id,
        in  [5:0]  id_num,
        out [63:0] out_bitstring)
    wire start_num[5:0];
    wire   end_num[5:0];
    assign start_num = start_id;
    assign   end_num = start_id + id_num; // Need to do arithmetic properly!!
    wire cond_a[63:0];
    wire cond_b[63:0];
    // HW for loop
    for idx in range(64):
        cond_a[idx]         = (idx >= start_num);
        cond_b[idx]         = (idx <  end_num);
        out_bitstring[idx]  = ( cond_a & cond_b);

    Some resources:

    For loop in verilog