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Speeding up boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf

I am new to the C++ concept of streams and want to ask for some general advice to speed up my code in image processing. I use a stream buffer boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf to load and decompress the image from a file, as suggested in this post and another post. The performance is not satisfactory.

The relavent code is the following:

template <int _NCH>
class MultiChImg {


        std::atomic<bool> __in_operation;
        std::atomic<bool> __content_loaded;
        char  **_IMG[_NCH];
        int _W, _H;

        void dcmprss ( const std::string & file_name, bool is_decomp = true) {


            // decompress
            int counter = 0, iw = -1, ih = -1, _r = 0;
            auto _fill_ = [&](const char c){
                            _r = counter % _NCH ; // was 3 for RGB mindset
                            if ( _r == 0 ) {
                                iw++; // fast index
                                if ( iw%_W==0 ) { iw=0; ih++; } // slow index
                            _IMG[_r][_H-1-ih][iw] = c; 
                            counter ++ ;
            } ;
            auto EoS = std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ;
            // char buf[4096]; // UPDATE: improved code according to @sehe
            if ( is_decomp ) {
                // decompress 
                bio::filtering_streambuf<bio::input> input;     
                input.push( bio::gzip_decompressor() ); //  
                input.push( fstrm );
                std::basic_istream<char> inflated( &input );

                auto T3 = timing(T2, "Timing : dcmprss() prepare decomp ") ;

                // assign values to _IMG (0=>R, 1=>G, 2=>B)
                // TODO // bottleneck
                    std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inflated), EoS, _fill_ );
                // UPDATE: improved code according to @sehe , replace the previous two lines
                // while (, sizeof(buf))) 
                //     std::for_each(buf, buf + inflated.gcount(), _fill_);
                auto T4 = timing(T3, "Timing : dcmprss() decomp+assign ") ;

            } else {
                // assign values to _IMG (0=>R, 1=>G, 2=>B)
                // TODO // bottleneck
                    std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fstrm), EoS, _fill_ ); // different !
                // UPDATE: improved code according to @sehe , replace the previous two lines
                // while (, sizeof(buf))) 
                //     std::for_each(buf, buf + fstrm.gcount(), _fill_);
                auto T3 = timing(T2, "Timing : dcmprss() assign ") ;
            assert(counter == _NCH*_H*_W);


The bottleneck appears to be the for_each() part, where I iterate the stream, either inflated via std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inflated), or fstrm via std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fstrm), to apply a lambda function _fill_. This lambda function transfers the bytes in the stream to the designated place in the multi-dimensional array class member _IMG.

UPDATE: the timing was incorrect due to memory leakage. I've corrected that.

The timing results of the above function dcmprss() are 450ms for a .gz file of 30MB size, 400ms for uncompressed file. I think it takes too long. So I am asking the community for some kind advice to improve.

Thanks for your time on my post!


  • You can use blockwise IO

    char buf[4096];, sizeof(buf));
    std::for_each(buf, buf + inflated.gcount(), _fill_);

    However, I also think considerable time might be wasted in _fill_ where some dimensions are reshaped. That feels arbitrary.

    Note that several libraries have the features to transparently re-index multi-dimensional data, so you may potentially save time just linearly copy the source data and accessing that: