I would like to change the font of the alerted text in my beamer, I want it to be in bold, in both text and math mode. I tried using boldmath but it doesn't work :
\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=vertf}
\setbeamerfont{alerted text}{family=\sffamily, series=\bfseries\boldmath}
$$\alert<2>{x} + \alert<3>{y} + \alert<4>{z}$$
\item <2-| alert@2>x
\item <3-| alert@3>y
\item <4-| alert@4>z
You could work around the problem with something like this:
\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=green}
\setbeamerfont{alerted text}{series=\bfseries\boldmath}
\alert<2>{x} + \alert<3>{y} + \alert<4>{z}
\item <2-| alert@2>x
\item <3-| alert@3>y
\item <4-| alert@4>z