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Adding an image to a pre-made beamer in LaTeX

I would like to use a beamer template named Argüelles ( and add a picture to the title page. The definition of the title page is :

% title page
\defbeamertemplate*{title page}{Arguelles}{
  \vfill\begin{beamercolorbox}{inverted text}

and we use it :


so I thought adding the tikz package and adding the picture directly in the template file would work however I don't why it doesn't :

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node[anchor=south east, xshift=-0.5cm, yshift=0.5cm] at (current page.south east) {

Else, I don't know if it is possible to do it directly on my .tex file...

Thank you !

Here is a compilable example :



\subtitle{Simple, typographic beamer theme}
\author{Place Holder}
\institute{University of \TeX}




      \frametitle{A frame with title and subtitle}
      \framesubtitle{Subtitle here}
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua \par
      Itemized list:
            \item Lorem ipsum
            \item Dolor sit amet
                        \item Consectetur
                        \item Adipiscing elit
            \item Sed do eiusmod
                        \item Tempor incididunt
                                    \item Ut labore et dolore
                                    \item Magna aliqua


  • You can use \addtobeamertemplate{title page}{<code before>}{<code after>} to add additional code to the title page. Make sure:

    • that you have a \end{tikzpicture}
    • compile two times to create page coordinates like current page.south east

    \subtitle{Simple, typographic beamer theme}
    \author{Place Holder}
    \institute{University of \TeX}
    \addtobeamertemplate{title page}{}{%
      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \node[anchor=south east, xshift=-0.5cm, yshift=0.5cm] at (current page.south east) {

    enter image description here