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Using this Script/formula for to get value for some selected Sheets

This script/formula add two adjacent columns together (Column F & G) and put it in column H for all sheets in the google sheets, I need further assistance in making it calculate only some selected sheets in google sheet.
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function runMacro() {
  const sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();

function addFormula_(_sh) {    const formulaString = '=Filter(F2:F+G2:G,F2:F<>"")'
  const theAddress = 'H2';



  • // By Name - Only Specified Sheets
    function runMacro() {
      const includeSheets = [`Sheet1`, `Sheet2`, `Sheet3`, `etc`]
                    .filter(sheet => includeSheets.includes(sheet.getName()))
                    .forEach(sheet => addFormula_(sheet))