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Drawing two graphs in one canvas properly with ROOT

I'm trying to plot to graphs in one canvas using Cern ROOT. When I use gr -> Draw("ap") and gr2 -> Draw("p1 same"), the lines of the plots are not visible, only the markers are visible. When I use gr1 -> Draw("") and gr2 -> Draw("same"), the first plot is visible with line and marker but the second plot is only visible with line and not markers.

I want to see both of their lines and markers. How can I do it? My code:

graph_one -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(" x ");
graph_one -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(" y ");
graph_one -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0,8);
graph_one -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser (0,3);
graph_one -> SetLineWidth(2);
graph_one -> SetLineColor(kBlack);
graph_one -> SetMarkerStyle(8);
graph_one -> SetMarkerSize(3);
graph_one -> SetMarkerColor(kRed);

graph_two -> SetLineWidth(2);
graph_two -> SetMarkerStyle(8);
graph_two -> SetMarkerSize(3);
graph_two -> SetLineColor(kBlue);
graph_two -> SetMarkerColor(kBlack);

graph_one -> Draw("");
graph_two -> Draw("same");


  • Use

        graph_one -> Draw("acp");
        graph_two -> Draw("cp");
    • a draws the axes around the graph (obviously needed only for one graph)
    • c draws a continuous line between the markers
    • p draws the markers themselves

    (this is explained in

    superimposed graphs

    Please note there is no same drawing option for TGraph.