I'm attempting to use the SUBSTRING function to extract a name out of a filename.
An example filename would be: "73186_RHIMagnesita_PHI_StopLoss_TruncSSN_NonRedact_Inc_to_Apr2022_Paid_to_Apr2022_EDIT" I'm attempting to extract the "RHIMagnesita" from this filename.
The substring I used was:
SUBSTRING(DFH.FileName, CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName) + 1, CHARINDEX('_PHI', DFH.FileName) - 1)
The results it gave were: "RHIMagnesita_PHI_S"
How do I extract only "RHIMagnesita" using the Substring function?
The third parameter in SUBSTRING is length not position, so you would need to substract the length of the beginning string.
SUBSTRING(DFH.FileName, CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName) + 1, CHARINDEX('_PHI', DFH.FileName) - CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName))
You might need to add or substract 1, but that's the idea.