Search code examples

SQL - Unique results in column A based on a specific value in column B being the most frequent value

So I have the following challenge:

I'm trying to get unique results from all the clients (Column A) that made most of their purchases at store 103 (Column B).

The store is defined in the first 3 digits of the ticket number. The challenge is that I'm also getting every ticket for each client. And I just need SQL to calculate and filter the results, based on all the unique clients that made most of their purchases at store 103.

The information in Column A comes from Table 1 and the information in column B comes from Table 2.


I've been trying the following:

SELECT DISTINCT Table_1.Full_Name, Table_2.Ticket_#
FROM Table_2
  ON Table_2.Customer_Number = Table_1.Customer_Number;

I know I'm missing either the group by or order by keywords, but I don't know how to use them properly in this particular case.

Thank you very much in advance.


  • Here are three options.

    SELECT customers.Full_Name, tickets."Ticket_#"
    FROM Table_2 tickets INNER JOIN Table_1 customers
        ON customers.Customer_Number = tickets.Customer_Number INNER JOIN
            SELECT Customer_Number
            FROM Table_2 tickets
            GROUP BY Customer_Number
            HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN LEFT("Ticket_#", 3)  = '103' then 1 end)
                 > COUNT(CASE WHEN LEFT("Ticket_#", 3) <> '103' then 1 end)
        ) AS m ON m.Customer_Number = customers.Customer_Number
    SELECT customers.Full_Name, tickets."Ticket_#"
    FROM Table_2 tickets INNER JOIN Table_1 customers
        ON customers.Customer_Number = tickets.Customer_Number
    WHERE customers.Customer_Number IN (
        SELECT Customer_Number
        FROM Table2 tickets
        WHERE "Ticket_#" LIKE '103%'
        GROUP BY Customer_Number
        HAVING COUNT(*) > (
            SELECT COUNT(*)
            FROM Table2 tickets2
            WHERE tickets2.Customer_Number = tickets.Customer_Number
                AND NOT "Ticket_#" LIKE '103%' 
    WITH data AS (
        SELECT customers.Full_Name, tickets."Ticket_#"
            COUNT(CASE WHEN LEFT(tickets."Ticket_#", 3)  = '103' then 1 end)
                OVER (PARTITION BY customers.Customer_Number) AS MatchCount
            COUNT(CASE WHEN LEFT(tickets."Ticket_#", 3) <> '103' then 1 end)
                OVER (PARTITION BY customers.Customer_Number) AS NonmatchCount
        FROM Table_2 tickets INNER JOIN Table_1 customers
            ON customers.Customer_Number = tickets.Customer_Number
    SELECT * FROM data WHERE MatchCount > NonmatchCount;