I am writing software for an Arduino-powered weather station.
I have a class for each of the sensor systems (some simple, some complex) and the rain gauge one needs to use the Arduino attachInterrupt
void attachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum, void (*userFunc)(), int mode)
This is used to execute a callback when a pin changes state, which increment a counter (which is a member variable of the class).
I currently have the following:
// `pulses` and `pin` are member variables.
void RainGauge::begin()
pulses = 0;
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), callback, FALLING);
I need to somehow define that callback.
I have tried this, without success, due to the capturing aspect:
void RainGauge::begin()
pulses = 0;
auto callback = [this](void) {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), callback, FALLING);
This gives the error no suitable conversion function from "lambda []()->void" to "void (*)()" existsC/C++(413)
Is there any way to do this?
The problem is, on what object should the function be invoked when the interrupt occurs?
You could do it this way for example:
class RainGauge {
int pulses;
void begin(int pin, void (*callback)());
void increment();
void RainGauge::begin(int pin, void (*callback)())
pulses = 0;
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), callback, FALLING);
void RainGauge::increment()
RainGauge RainGauge1;
RainGauge RainGauge2;
void setup() {
RainGauge1.begin(2, []() {RainGauge1.increment();});
RainGauge2.begin(3, []() {RainGauge2.increment();});
void loop() {