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Draw a grid with 32 cells, intermediate rectangles does not show up

I would like to draw a figure describing the floating-point IEEE754 specification. Doing so, I tried to draw a grid with 32 rectangles. (I then figured out there is a grid command). Here is a MWE for 4 cells:


    \foreach \x in {0, 1}{
    \draw (\x, 0) rectangle (\x+\width, \height);
    \foreach \x in {2, 3}{
    \draw (\x, 0) rectangle (\x+\width, \height);

I used two foreach. I could merge these into one, but I then obtain only the rectangles on the far left and far right side, not the four rectangles as in the first MWE. Why is it so ?

    \foreach \x in {0, 4}{
    \draw (\x, 0) rectangle (\x+\width, \height);


  • By using \foreach \x in {0, 4} your list literally just has these two values, no intermediate values.

    If you like to include intermediate steps, you can use \foreach \x in {0,...,3}

        \foreach \x in {0,...,3}{
        \draw (\x, 0) rectangle (\x+\width, \height);

    enter image description here