I create a set of slides using rmarkdown. I add a figure using latex includegraphics
which works as expected. But, when I add a figure generate via R code, the 'latex' figure disappears.
Minimal code example
title: "TITLE"
author: "JS"
subtitle: SUBTITLE
keep_tex: yes
ioslides_presentation: default
fontsize: 14pt
# Example
# Add figure via R code
```{r, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
Any suggestions what I do wrong?
This bug has been fixed in pandoc v3.2.1. The workaround below should no longer be necessary
For some reason rmarkdown and/or pandoc thinks that adding
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
to the preamble would be a good idea... which it is evidently not.
You can avoid the problem by specifying the height of the image instead of a scaling factor:
title: "TITLE"
author: "JS"
subtitle: SUBTITLE
keep_tex: yes
ioslides_presentation: default
fontsize: 14pt
# Example
# Add figure via R code
```{r, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}