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What is "=- 1" in a python method's argument list?

On the following page: subprocess.popen, in the argument list of popen() there is a "pipesize=- 1". Since it pops up at a few places, it does not seem to be a typo.

As for what this may be, however, so far eluded my curiosity.

What does the "=- 1" mean?


  • That is likely an error with the documentation. It should look like pipesize = -1. But, regardless, it is a default value for an argument.

    Parameters and Arguments in Functions

    By default, all parameters in a function signature MUST be passed an argument when you call the function:

    def f(x):
    f("argument for x")

    The code above will successfully run without any errors. x is a required parameter of function f, and I correctly passed a positional argument to x.

    What if I don't pass an argument to a required parameter?

    When given this code, it results in an exception called TypeError:

    def f(x):
    f() # TypeError: f() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'

    This happens because, as stated above, x MUST be passed based on the current function signature of f.

    Specifying optional arguments

    Now, I will provide a default value for parameter x in function f:

    def f(x=None):

    This code will also successfully run, like the first implementation of function f. But, here the function signature looks different and we didn't pass anything when we called f. x=None says that "if x isn't passed an argument in the function call to f, it should be passed None as an argument".

    Default vs. Non-Default Parameters

    It is important to note that parameters with defaults MUST appear, in the function signature, after ALL required parameters:

    def f(x=None, y):

    This implementation of f will result in SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument. It makes sense that default arguments would have to be specified, in the function signature, after ALL non-default arguments. If Python didn't raise an error for the syntactically incorrect function signature of f above, we could accidentally pass an argument to x instead of y when we do not want to.