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Conditionally slice a pandas multiindex on specific level

For my given multi-indexed DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame(
1 1  1.667692
  2  0.274428
2 1  0.216911
3 1 -0.513463
4 1 -0.642277
  2 -2.563876
5 1  2.301943
  2  1.455494
6 1 -1.539390
  2 -1.344079
7 2  0.300735
8 2  0.089269

I would like to slice it such that I keep only rows where second index level contains BOTH 1 and 2

1 1  1.667692
  2  0.274428
4 1 -0.642277
  2 -2.563876
5 1  2.301943
  2  1.455494
6 1 -1.539390
  2 -1.344079

How can I do this?


  • Another possible solution, which is based on the following:

    • df.groupby(level=0) groups the dataframe by the first level of the index.

    • filter(lambda x: set(x.index.get_level_values(1)) == {1, 2}) checks if the second level of the index for each group contains both 1 and 2, and retains only the groups that meet this condition.

    df.groupby(level=0).filter(lambda x: set(x.index.get_level_values(1)) == {1, 2})


    1 1 -1.085631
      2  0.997345
    4 1 -0.578600
      2  1.651437
    5 1 -2.426679
      2 -0.428913
    6 1  1.265936
      2 -0.866740