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Why is "connection.queries" returning an empty list in Django?

from django.db import connection, reset_queries

Prints: []

p = XModel.objects.filter(id=id) \
.values('name') \
.order_by('-quantity') \

While this prints:

tc = ZModel.objects\
.filter(id=id, stock__gt=0) \

enter image description here

I have changed fields names to keep things simple. (Fields are of parent tables i.e. __ to multiple level)

I was trying to print MySQL queries that Django makes and came across connection.queries, I was wondering why doesn't it prints empty with first, while with second it works fine. Although I am getting the result I expect it to. Probably the query is executed. Also am executing only one at a time.


  • Because QuerySets in Django are lazy: as long as you do not consume the result, the QuerySet is not evaluated: no querying is done, until you want to obtain non-QuerySet objects like lists, dictionaries, Model objects, etc.

    We can however not doe this for all ORM calls: for example Model.objects.get(..) has as type a Model object, we can not postpone that fetch (well of course we could wrap it in a function, and call it later, but then the "type" is a function, not a Model instance).

    The same with a .aggregate(..) since then the result is a dictionary, that maps the keys to the corresponding result of the aggregation.

    But your first query does not need to be evaluated. By writing a slicing, you only have added a LIMIT statement at the end of the query, but no need to evaluate it immediately: the type of this is still a QuerySet.

    If you would however call list(qs) on a QuerySet (qs), then this means the QuerySet has to be evaluated, and Django will make the query.

    The laziness of QuerySets also makes these chainings possible. Imagine that you write:


    If the QuerySet of Model.objects.filter(foo=42) would be evaluated immediately, then this could result in a huge amount of Model instances, but by postponing this, we now filter on bar=1425 as well (we constructed a new QuerySet that takes both .filter(..)s into account). This can result in a query that can be evaluated more efficiently, and for example, can result in less data that has to be transferred from the database to the Django server.