Search code examples

Need to get appropriate/expected row number in Oracle PLSQL

Getting the following output when i use the below query

enter image description here

        PARTITION BY P.RefNum
        ,I.Name ORDER BY Ian.Name
        ) AS ROWNUMBER
FROM Table1 P
INNER JOIN Table2 Igl ON P.GrpNum = Igl.GrpNum
INNER JOIN Table3 I ON Igl.Num = I.Num
INNER JOIN Table4 Ian ON Igl.Num = Ian.Num
WHERE P.RefNum = <InputParameter>

But the expected output should be as below (Refer RowNumber column)

enter image description here


  • First find "groups" each of those rows belongs to (partitioned by refnum and name) (that's what the temp CTE does), and then apply dense_rank to fetch the final result.

    Sample data (simplified, as I don't have your tables):

      2     test (refnum,
      3           id,
      4           datecreated,
      5           name)
      6     AS
      7        (SELECT 3, 7000, DATE '2022-04-18', 'A-1' FROM DUAL
      8         UNION ALL
      9         SELECT 3, 7001, DATE '2022-04-19', 'A-1' FROM DUAL
     10         UNION ALL
     11         SELECT 3, 7002, DATE '2022-04-20', 'A-1' FROM DUAL
     12         UNION ALL
     13         SELECT 3, 7003, DATE '2022-03-29', '2-3' FROM DUAL
     14         UNION ALL
     15         SELECT 3, 7004, DATE '2022-03-30', '2-3' FROM DUAL
     16         UNION ALL
     17         SELECT 3, 7005, DATE '2022-04-11', 'L-5' FROM DUAL),

    Query begins here:

     18     temp
     19     AS
     20        (SELECT t.*,
     21                id - ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY refnum, name ORDER BY id) grp
     22           FROM test t)
     23    SELECT t.*, DENSE_RANK () OVER (ORDER BY grp) rn
     24      FROM temp t
     25  ORDER BY refnum, name, id;
        REFNUM         ID DATECREATE NAM        GRP         RN
    ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------- ----------
             3       7000 18-04-2022 A-1       6999          1
             3       7001 19-04-2022 A-1       6999          1
             3       7002 20-04-2022 A-1       6999          1
             3       7005 11-04-2022 L-5       7004          3
             3       7003 29-03-2022 2-3       7002          2
             3       7004 30-03-2022 2-3       7002          2
    6 rows selected.