I was trying to use like any and like all in this query in Spark/ Dremio SQL
SELECT * FROM table_name where col_name LIKE ANY (CONCAT('%', 10, '%'), CONCAT('%', 20, '%'), CONCAT('%', 12, '%'))
SELECT * FROM table_name where col_name LIKE ALL (CONCAT('%', 10, '%'), CONCAT('%', 20, '%'), CONCAT('%', 12, '%'))
it is. showing error :
Failure parsing the query.
BY USING any I want to select all the rows with either 10, 20 or 12values and by using all I was trying to get a value which has all 3 values in it. kindly help in resolving the query
SELECT * FROM table_name where col_name LIKE '%10%' AND col_name LIKE '%20%' AND col_name LIKE '%12%'
SELECT * FROM table_name where col_name LIKE '%10%' OR col_name LIKE '%20%' OR col_name LIKE '%12%'