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Uncaught ValueError: mysqli_stmt::execute(): Argument #1 ($params) must be a list array

I'm trying to insert prepared statemant multiple values in my database through these two queries, which are both malfunctioning, returning either

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::bindValue()

for the first code or

Uncaught ValueError: mysqli_stmt::execute(): Argument #1 ($params) must be a list array

for second one. When I type list instead of array, it says

syntax error

notice all variable, table and column names are a simplified variant

I've seen a lot of similar questions, but none of them answer my problem. Not even the one that this is the 'duplicate' of.

Does anyone have a solution, or, maybe, an alternative?

Here are the two codes:

if(isset($_POST['ID'], $_POST['atr1'])){

        $sql = $db -> prepare("INSERT INTO some_table (ID, atr_place) VALUES (':fir', ':sec')");
        $sql -> bindValue(':fir', $_POST['ID'],);
        $sql -> bindValue(':sec', $_POST['atr1'],);
        $sql -> execute();
$sql = $db -> prepare("INSERT INTO some_table (ID, atr_place) VALUES (:fir, :sec)");
$sql -> execute(array(
    ':fir' => $_POST['ID'],
    ':sec' => $_POST['atr1'],


  • As the error messages make clear, you're using the mysqli library to communicate with your database. However your code seems to be based on examples which use PDO, which is a different library entirely. While superficially some of the function names are similar, they actually have different APIs and requirements.

    For example, some API differences are:

    • mysqli doesn't support named parameters, only anonymous placeholders specified with ?
    • PDO has bindParam and bindValue functions, whereas mysqli has bind_param
    • until PHP 8.1, mysqli did not accept a parameter list provided directly via the execute() function.

    This code should work with mysqli:

    If you have PHP 8.1 or above:

    $sql = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO some_table (ID, atr_place) VALUES (?, ?)");
    $sql->execute([$_POST['ID'], $_POST['atr1']]);


    $sql = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO some_table (ID, atr_place) VALUES (?, ?)");
    $sql->bind_param("ss", $_POST['ID'], $_POST['atr1']);