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How to calculate a polynomial using matrix calculation with Eigen

I want to calculate a polynomial using matrix calculation and not for loops.


The equation of a polynomial of degree k:

a: Coeficients of the polynomial
t: X value
v: Y value to calculate

polynomial equation

We can calutate all Y values for n X values with this matrix calculation:

matrix calculation of a polynomial


  • I have all coeficients.
  • I have a vector with X values using Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(size, start, stop);

How to generate the T matrix with Eigen?

Current solution

For now, I'm using two for loops:

std::vector<double> yVector;
Eigen::VectorXd xVector = Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(40, -20, 20);

for(const double x : xVector)
  double y= 0;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < coeff.size(); i++)
    y+= coeff[i] * pow(x, i);


  • The usual approach to evaluate polynomials would be Horner's method. This avoids any complex functions (such as pow) , is fast and numerically stable.

    A version in Eigen could look something like this:

    /** Coefficients ordered from highest to lowest */
    Eigen::VectorXd evaluate_poly(
          const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& xvals,
          const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& coeffs)
        auto coeff = std::begin(coeffs);
        const auto last_coeff = std::end(coeffs);
        assert(coeff != last_coeff && "Empty set of polynomial coefficients");
        Eigen::VectorXd yvals =
              Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(xvals.size(), *coeff);
        for(++coeff; coeff != last_coeff; ++coeff)
            yvals = yvals.array() * xvals.array() + *coeff;
        return yvals;

    Eigen's unsupported Polynomial module implements a "stabilized" version. I wasn't able to find a reference for this. In any case, if we adapt that code to your input pattern, we get this:

    #include <cmath>
    // using std::abs, std::pow
    #include <iterator>
    // using std::make_reverse_iterator
    Eigen::VectorXd evaluate_poly(
          const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& xvals,
          const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& coeffs)
        assert(coeffs.size() && "Empty set of polynomial coefficients");
        return xvals.unaryExpr([&coeffs](double x) noexcept -> double {
              auto coeff = std::begin(coeffs);
              const auto last_coeff = std::end(coeffs);
              double y;
              if(! (std::abs(x) > 1.) /*NaN or range [-1, 1] */) {
                  // normal Horner method
                  for(y = *(coeff++); coeff != last_coeff; ++coeff)
                      y = y * x + *coeff;
                  return y;
              const double inv_x = 1. / x;
              auto reverse_coeff = std::make_reverse_iterator(last_coeff);
              const auto last_reverse = std::make_reverse_iterator(coeff);
              for(y = *(reverse_coeff++); reverse_coeff != last_reverse; ++reverse_coeff)
                  y = y * inv_x + *reverse_coeff;
              return std::pow(x, coeffs.size() - 1) * y;

    Wikipedia lists several other methods to evaluate polynomials.