I have been making a survival game in unity and I have generated the trees with the below function
The GenerateTree function
void GenerateTree(int x, int y)
//define our tree
//generate log
int treeHeight = Random.Range(minTreeHeight, maxTreeHeight);
for(int i = 0; i < treeHeight; i++)
PlaceTile(log, x, y + i);
//generate leaves
PlaceTile(leaf, x, y + treeHeight+1);
PlaceTile(leaf, x, y + treeHeight+2);
PlaceTile(leaf, x-1, y + treeHeight);
PlaceTile(leaf, x-1, y + treeHeight+1);
PlaceTile(leaf, x + 1, y + treeHeight);
PlaceTile(leaf, x + 1, y + treeHeight + 1);
The PlaceTile function
public void PlaceTile(Sprite tileSprite, int x, int y)
GameObject newTile = new GameObject();
float chunkCoord = (Mathf.Round(x / chunkSize) * chunkSize);
chunkCoord /= chunkSize;
newTile.transform.parent = worldChunks[(int)chunkCoord].transform;
newTile.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = tileSprite;
newTile.name = tileSprite.name;
newTile.transform.position = new Vector2(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f);
worldTiles.Add(newTile.transform.position - (Vector3.one * 0.5f));
I believe I need to use a if statement to check if another log is close by, but I need help of how to do that.
if(Vector2.Distance(Log1Location,Log2Location) > 10)