Is it possible to get all values for all currencies but for one particular currency only those that are higher than let's say 10000 USD?
select case
when currency_id = '57' then 'EUR'
when currency_id = '26' then 'USD'
when currency_id = '51' then 'HKD' end as CCY,
amount, ECPNBR, value_date
from money_transfer
where (select amount from money_transfer where currency_id ='26')>10000 order by amount desc;
this gets error that "subquery returns more than 1 value..."
maybe put your query like below
when m.currency_id = '57' then 'EUR'
when m.currency_id = '26' then 'USD'
when m.currency_id = '51' then 'HKD'
else ''
m.amount, m.ECPNBR, m.value_date
from money_transfer where ( m.currency_id='26' and m.amount>10000) OR (m.currency_id<>'26')
order by m.amount desc;