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discord.js V13 Invite Tracker TypeError: client.guilds.cache.get(...).fetchInvites is not a function

I am trying to code a invite tracker this is the code :

let invites;

client.on('ready', async() => {
    await wait(2000);

    client.guilds.cache.get("926674245357039657").fetchInvites().then(inv => {
        invites = inv;

client.on('guildMemberAdd', async(member) => {
    if( !== "926674245357039657") return;

    member.guild.fetchInvites().then(gInvites => {
        const invite = gInvites.find((inv) => invites.get(inv.code).uses < inv.uses);

        const channel = member.guild.channels.cache.get('940362032253923348');

        channel.send(`${member} was invited by ${invite.inviter} and the code was ${invite.code}`);

when i run the bot i get this error

client.guilds.cache.get("926674245357039657").fetchInvites().then(inv => {

TypeError: client.guilds.cache.get(...).fetchInvites is not a function

can anyone help and thx


  • fetchInvites does not work in Discord v13, use invites.fetch() instead.