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Can not realize thymleaf logic with image

I have following expression:

<img th:src="@{/api/file/{imageName}(imageName = ${account.profileImageLink})}" alt="profile picture"> 

and I want to realize next logic: if imageName equals null so imageName = "profile.jpg"

how can I do that through Thymleaf?


  • Lots of different ways to accomplish this.

    1. The elvis operator:

      <img th:src="@{/api/file/{imageName}(imageName=${account.profileImageLink} ?: 'profile.jpg')}" alt="profile picture">
    2. Conditionals.

      <img th:if="${account.profileImageLink != null}" th:src="@{/api/file/{imageName}(imageName = ${account.profileImageLink})}" alt="profile picture">
      <img th:unless="${account.profileImageLink != null}" th:src="@{/api/file/profile.jpg}" alt="profile picture">
    3. th:with / ternary:

      <img th:with="image=${account.profileImageLink == null ? 'profile.jpg' : account.profileImageLink}"
           th:src="@{/api/file/{imageName}(imageName=${image})}" alt="profile picture">