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Vuetify v-bottom-navigation Pushed down

this is my main view route page

    <MobileMain v-if="$vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly"/>
    <Navigation v-else/>

import Navigation from '../components/Utils/Navigation'
import MobileMain from '../components/Utils/MobileMain.vue'

export default {
  components: {

This is inside my mobile view

        <v-app-bar color="deep-purple accent-4" dense dark>

          <v-toolbar-title>Page title</v-toolbar-title>


          <v-btn href="/KPI" icon>
            <v-icon >mdi-heart</v-icon>

          <v-btn color="deep-purple accent-4" text>


          <v-btn color="deep-purple accent-4" text>


          <v-btn color="deep-purple accent-4" text>


I'm on a project that can be responsive between mobile and desktop. there's a problem when using a mobile screen and open a page that has a long way down, the bottom navbar gets pushed away so I need to scroll to the bottom to find it, how to make it stay at the bottom of the screen and not get pushed?


  • Change absolute to fixed.

    When applying absolute to v-bottom-navigation its position adjusts with respect to its parent. Applying fixed causes the element to always stay in the same place when the page is scrolled.