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HTML syntax highlighting in Vue templates

I'm following the Vue3 tutorial on I wrote the following button template:

export default {
  template: `
        'border rounded px-5 py-2 disabled:cursor-not-allowed' : true,
        'bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700' : type == 'primary',
        'bg-purple-200 hover:bg-purple-400' : type == 'secondary',
        'bg-gray-200 hover:bg-gray-400' : type == 'muted',
        'is-loading' : processing
      <slot />

  props: {
    type: { // name of the prop
      type: String, // the real type of the prop..
      default: 'primary'
    processing: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false

Unfortunately VS Code doesn’t apply any syntax highlighting to the HTML part of the template:

missing syntax highlighting

I have the following extensions installed:

  • Vue official extension
  • Vue 3 Support - All In One
  • Vue VSCode Snippets
  • Vue Extension Box

Is there a way to have syntax highlighting in these kind of templates? How do you deal with this?

The same applies to blank HTML code:

missing syntax highlighting


  • You can try to use the "Vue Inline Template" extension for VSCode. It seems to work for the examples you have given.