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Vue 3 defineProps with Types and ComponentObjectPropsOptions (like default or validator)

From within a setup method, using defineProps I can use

const props = defineProps<{tabs: Tab[]}> = ()

which allows me to have the type Tab[] on props.tabs

however, if I want to specify ComponentObjectPropsOptions, I believe the syntax is

const props = defineProps = ({
  type: Array, //can not use Tab[] here
  required: true,
  validator: ...

but with that syntax I lose my type on props.tabs :(


  • You'll need to use the PropType utility to type cast your array.

    const props = defineProps({
      tabs: {
        type: Array as PropType<Tab[]>,
        required: true,
        validator: ...

    Or use type only prop declarations by passing the type for your props as the generic to defineProps rather than passing a props object as an argument.

    const props = defineProps<{
      tabs: Tab[]