I'm trying to send image data in a bytes field from a c++ library i built to a python program. The problem is that 0 byte values seem to mess up the protocol buffer parsing. When using values other than 0 everything works fine.
syntax = "proto3";
package transport;
message Response{
repeated bytes img_data = 1;
extern "C" void* calculate()
transport::Response response;
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char [3];
data[0] = 11;
data[1] = 0; // this breaks the code, if other than 0 everything works fine
data[2] = 120;
response.add_img_data(data, 3);
size_t out_size = response.ByteSizeLong();
out = malloc(out_size);
response.SerializeToArray(out, out_size);
return out;
lib = ctypes.util.find_library("myLib")
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib)
calculate = libc.calculate
calculate.restype = c_char_p
result = calculate()
response = img_buf.Response()
response.ParseFromString(result) # i get a failed parse error here when using 0 values
for idx,img in enumerate(response.img_data):
print("num pixels:",len(img))
for pix in img:
I'm struggling with this for a few days now so if anyone has a hint i'd be super grateful!
Don't use .restype = c_char_p
for binary data. c_char_p
is by default handled as a null-terminated byte string and converted to a Python bytes
object. Instead, use POINTER(c_char)
which will return the data pointer that can then be processed correctly. You'll need to know the size of the returned buffer, however.
Here's an example:
#ifdef _WIN32
# define API __declspec(dllexport)
# define API
extern "C" API char* calculate(size_t* pout_size)
// hard-coded data with embedded nulls for demonstration
static char* data = "some\0test\0data";
*pout_size = 14;
return data;
import ctypes as ct
dll = ct.CDLL('./test')
dll.calculate.argtypes = ct.POINTER(ct.c_size_t),
dll.calculate.restype = ct.POINTER(ct.c_char)
def calculate():
out_size = ct.c_size_t() # ctypes storage for output parameter
result = dll.calculate(ct.byref(out_size)) # pass by reference
return result[:out_size.value] # slice to correct size and return byte string
result = calculate()