I am trying to extract the following JSON into its own rows like the table below in Presto query. The issue here is the name of the key/av engine name is different for each row, and I am stuck on how I can extract and iterate on the keys without knowing the value of the key.
The json is a value of a table row
"detected": false,
"result": null,
"detected": true,
"result": Trojan.Generic.3611249',
AV Engine Name | Detected Virus | Result |
Bkav | false | null |
Lionic | true | Trojan.Generic.3611249 |
I have tried to use json_extract following the documentation here https://teradata.github.io/presto/docs/141t/functions/json.html but there is no mention of extraction if we don't know the key :( I am trying to find a solution that works in both presto & hive query, is there a common query that is applicable to both?
You can cast your json to map(varchar, json)
and process it with unnest
to flatten:
-- sample data
WITH dataset (json_str) AS (
'{"Bkav":{"detected": false,"result": null},"Lionic":{"detected": true,"result": "Trojan.Generic.3611249"}}'
select k "AV Engine Name", json_extract_scalar(v, '$.detected') "Detected Virus", json_extract_scalar(v, '$.result') "Result"
from (
select cast(json_parse(json_str) as map(varchar, json)) as m
from dataset
cross join unnest (map_keys(m), map_values(m)) t(k, v)
AV Engine Name | Detected Virus | Result |
Bkav | false | |
Lionic | true | Trojan.Generic.3611249 |