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Cannot extract RDF triple by locally defined predicate

Probably I just can't grasp some basic idea behind ontologies but here's my question. I'm trying to extract triples from an RDF storage (using 4store, but also tried XML ArmyKnife) with a SPARQL query specifying the predicate and get empty results.

To be sure I don't mess anything up with RDF syntax I use LUBM generated data (stripped down to an example-suitable size).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  xml:base = ""
  xmlns:rdf = ""

<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="name">

<owl:Class rdf:ID="Organization">

<owl:Class rdf:ID="University">
  <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Organization" />

<ub:University rdf:about="">


Then I run a query to see what triples my database actually contains after import:

SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} ORDERBY ?s

Here's the result:

<>    <univ-bench.owl#name>   "University0"
<>    <>       <univ-bench.owl#University>
<>         <>    "organization"
<>     <>       <>
<>       <>       <>
<>       <>    "university"
<>       <>       <>
<>     <>    "name"
<>     <>       <>

It's clearly visible that I have <univ-bench.owl#name> predicate as a part of the first triple.

Nevertheless following query returns no results:

SELECT * WHERE {?s <univ-bench.owl#name> ?o}

I've tried dozens of combinations, with namespaces and without, but can't make it work. Can anyone explain why RDF engine doesn't find a predicate that's obviously there?

BTW, extracting the same triple with OBJECT="University0" works OK.


  • This is invalid:


    Namespace URIs must be absolute in RDF/XML. (They can be relative in other syntaxes like Turtle, but not in RDF/XML.) If your example is indeed generated straight by LUBM, then LUBM is broken. This should work:


    Then of course you need to match that URI in the SPARQL query like @RobV said.