is there any way to replace digits using substring in Hive.
1. I need to check 0's from right to left and as soon as i find 0 before any digit then i need to replace all the trailing 0's by 9.
2. In output at-least 3 digit should be there before 9.
3. In Input if 2 or less digits are available in input then I need to skip some 0's and make sure that at-least 3 digits are there before 9.
4. If more than 3 digits are available before trailing 0's then only need to replace 0.No need to replace digits.
see the below table
input output
123000 123999
120000 120999
123400 123499
101010 101019
I have tried using below query, and it is working as expected.(Hive Join with CTE)
with mytable as (
select '123000' as input
union all
select '120000' as input
union all
select '123400' as input
union all
select '101010' as input
select input,lpad(concat(splitted[0], translate(splitted[1],'0','9')),6,0) as output
from (
select input, split(regexp_replace(input,'(\\d{3,}?)(0+)$','$1|$2'),'\\|') splitted from mytable )s;
but In my actual query which is more than 500+ lines,it is very difficult to adjust this logic (with CTE) for the sigle column. so wondering if is there any way to achieve the same using only lpad/rpad and substring/length and can achieve by adding the functions without using CTE queries.
so let say if length of digits before trailing 0's is less than 6 then can skip the substring
from (input,1,6) and will replace the remaining 0's and if length of digits before trailing 0's is 6
or more then 6 then just keep digits as it is and replace remaining trailing 0's by 9.
Kindly Suggest.
My Actual Query Looks like.
with mytable as
select lpad(input,13,9) as output from mytable where code='00'
select output from mytable where code='01'
select t1.*,m1.output from table1 t1 , mytable m1 where
(t1.card='00' and substr(t1.low,1,13)<=m1.low and m1.output <= substr(t1.output,1,13) and m1.card='00' )
(t1.card='01' and substr(t1.low,1,16)<=m1.low and m1.output <= substr(t1.output,1,16) and m1.card='01' )
I want to Replace above logic for 2nd output where code=01 in union query.
It Worked Now.I modified My query as below.
with mytable as
select lpad(input,13,9) as output from mytable where code='00'
select lpad(concat(split(regexp_replace('(\\d{6,}?)(0+)$','$1|$2'),'\\|') [0],
translate(split(regexp_replace(input,'(\\d{6,}?)(0+)$','$1|$2'),'\\|')[1],'0','9')),16,0 )
output from mytable where code='01'
select t1.*,m1.output from table1 t1 , mytable m1 where
(t1.card='00' and substr(t1.low,1,13)<=m1.low
and m1.output <= substr(t1.output,1,13) and m1.card='00' )
(t1.card='01' and substr(t1.low,1,16)<=m1.low
and output <= substr(output,1,16) and m1.card='01')