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Send list from Python to Prolog PySwip

I`m writing a program on Python and Prolog, using the library PySwip. I need to send list from Python to Prolog. i did it like this:

from pyswip import Prolog
p = Prolog()
p.assertz("fruits([apple,banana,orange])")  # Create list
p.assertz("result(X) :- fruits(L), member(X, L)")  # Rule for checking if an element in a list
print(list(p.query("result(orange).")))  # Return True if element in list

But i need to make list a separate object, because execute some actions before question. Help me how to send object in Prolog

from pyswip import Prolog
p = Prolog()
fruits = [apple,banana,orange]
p.assertz("How send to list fruits ???") # I dont know how to write this request  

Thank you everyone for advance


  • I don't know Prolog and PySwip and I don't know if I understand problem but it looks like normal string so you could convert to string using "fruit( {} )".format(fruits) or using f-string f"fruit( {fruit} )"

    from pyswip import Prolog
    p = Prolog()
    fruits = ['apple','banana','orange']
    text = f"fruits({fruits})"
    p.assertz("result(X) :- fruits(L), member(X, L)")

    But in Python it has to be list with strings.

    And it will create string fruits(['apple', 'banana', 'orange']) with items in quotes ' ' .

    I don't know if quotes makes some problem but if you need without quotes

    fruits = ['apple','banana','orange']
    text = ','.join(fruits)     # apple,banana,orange
    text = f"fruits([{text}])"  # fruits([apple,banana,orange])