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custom get query from url function in php

I wrote a function getQuery($param) which returns data from the

function getQuery($param){
    if(!empty(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY))){
    $queries = parse_url(strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY))['query'];
    parse_str($queries, $query);
    return $query[$param];

//url =[email protected]

echo getQuery("name"); // Output will be:Arun

But if the URL parameters contain "6" this function is only returning query data until that character

//i.e. if URL =[email protected]
echo getQuery("email");   //  Expected Output: [email protected]
                        //  Original Output: arun05

Is there any solution to fix this bug? Someone, please help


Thanks for the reply. I found another method to write this function

function testgetQuery($param){
    $queries = explode("&",explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[1]);
    $getQuery = [];
    foreach($queries as $query){
        $getQuery[explode("=", $query)[0]] = explode("=", $query)[1];
    return $getQuery[$param];

This worked pretty well 😄


  • Your function is a very complicated way to get query parameters. You can simply use $_GET['email'] to get the email. You should also apply a default in case it is not set.

    $email = $_GET['email'] ?? false;

    If you wanted to turn this into a helper function,

    function getQuery($key, $default = ''): string 
        return $_GET[$key] ?? $default;
    $email = getQuery('email');

    The reason it is being truncated if you have a 6 in the query string is because of this line. strtok will tokenize a string by a delimiter but you have provided PHP_URL_QUERY as the delimiter. That is a predefined PHP constant and has a value of 6. So strtok will split the string on 6.


    enter image description here

    Yes, I can use $_GET. but, I developed a simple routing system. In this $GET is not working. So, I had to write this getQuery() function.

    That doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me, but if you want to use parse_url you can do something like this. But know that $_GET works to get everything after the ? too.

    function getQuery($key, $default = ''): string
        $parts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
        return $query[$key] ?? $default;
    $email = getQuery('email');