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How can I get a reference of a prefab asset from the code in it self?

So let's say I have this prefab asset, "P" and have this code attached to it.

public GameObject selfReference;

public void GetReference()
    selfReference = gameObject;

Note that: the 'reference finding' process is trigger by ContextMenu so it is done in Edit Mode, not Play Mode; and all of this is happening in the prefab asset "P" itself, not some random instance of it placed in the scene.

So I tried

selfReference = PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(gameObject);

but it didn't work so tried to load it via path:

string _path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(gameObject);

but it returns only blank string.

Any help plz?


  • I can only assume - since it works for me ;)

    enter image description here

    that your question is rather related to this change not being saved correctly and not being handled for undo/redo.

    You should probably do e.g.

    public GameObject selfReference;
    public void GetReference()
            UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(this, "fetched self-reference");
            if (UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfAnyPrefab(this))
        selfReference = gameObject;

    besides that of course it appears a bit redundant to me to have a field for something that is exposed via the property anyway ;)